We dedicated this article for you to help solve errors in our API. Have a look at the error description below, or go straight to the causes and suggestions.

Response Codes

We use the HTTP status code, where status codes in the range 2xx indicate success, status codes in the range 4xx indicate failure, and status codes in the range 5xx indicate a server fault.

See the table below for further information:

Status CodeDescription
200 - ✅ SuccessRequest successfully processed/created.
400 - ❌ Bad RequestThe request was unacceptable.
403 - ❌ ForbiddenYou don’t have permission to perform the request.
404 - ❌ Not FoundThe requested resource doesn’t exist.
500 - ❌ Internal Server ErrorSomething went wrong on our side.

Error Troubleshoots

Here is our recommendation for handling errors:

400 - Bad Request

Cause: This error occurs because of invalid syntax or missing a required parameter.
Solution: Recheck the request that you input. Make sure it has followed the requirements.

403 - Forbidden

Cause: This error occurs when you cannot access the requested page.
Solution: Double-check the URL and make sure you input an actual web page file name and extension.

404 - Not Found

Cause: This error occurs because you provided the wrong URL or the ID you requested is not associated with Buildify.
Solution: Use the correct URL (check for typos and our API documentation carefully).

500 - Internal Server Error

Cause: This error occurs when Buildify has encountered an internal system error.
Solution: You can retry later, or please get in touch with our support if you keep getting this error.