The following tables present a summary of different response fields that are relevant to the listings. Each field provides important information to help developers better understand the responses. The table information can serve as a useful reference point for further exploration of the Buildify API.

1. Listing Identifiers

FieldData TypeDescription
listingIdstringThe listing ID of the building.
objectIDstringThe ID of the object.
namestringThe name of the building.
fullAddressstringThe full address of the building.

2. Partners/Profiles

FieldData TypeDescription
ownersarrayAn array of owners of the building.
buildersarray of stringsAn array of the builders of the building.
brokeragesarrayAn array of brokerages associated with the building.
architectsarray of stringsAn array of architects who worked on the building.
interiorDesignersarray of stringsAn array of interior designers of the building.
salesCompaniesarray of stringsAn array of companies are involved in the sales of the building.
marketingCompaniesarray of stringsAn array of companies are involved in the marketing of the building.
pathstringThe path details of the building. The path is made up of the collection name and ID.

3. Location Details

FieldData TypeDescription
geographicAddressstringThe geographic address of the building.
countrystringThe country where the building is located.
regionstringThe region where the building is located.
streetNumberintegerThe street number of the building.
streetNamestringThe name of the street where the building is located.
statestringThe state or region where the buildingis located.
cityOrDistrictstringThe city or district where the buildingis located.
postalCodestringThe postal code of the building.
neighbourhoodarray of stringsAn array of strings containing the names of the neighbourhoods nearby.
municipalitiesarray of stringsAn array of municipalities where the building is located.
latstringThe latitude of the building’s location.
longstringThe longitude of the building’s location.
_geolocobjectAn object containing the latitude and longitude of the building’s location.
_geoloc.latnumberThe latitude of the building.
_geoloc.lngnumberThe longitude of the building.
exposuresarray of stringsA list of the cardinal directions in which a particular construction project is exposed.

4. Timelines

FieldData TypeDescription
constructionStatusstringThe current construction status of the building.
sellingStatusstringThe current selling status of the building.
salesStartedstringThe date when the sales of the building started.
estimatedCompletionDatestringThe estimated completion date for the building.
estimatedCompletionDateTBDbooleanIndicates whether estimated completion date is to be determined.
completionDatestringThe completion date of the building.
completionDateTBDbooleanWhether the completion date for a building is to be determined.
constructionStartedTBDbooleanIndicates whether the start of construction is to be determined.
firstOccupancyDatestringThe first occupancy date of the building.
firstOccupancyDateTBDbooleanIndicates whether the first occupancy date is to be determined.
completionYearintegerThe year when the building is expected to be completed.
constructionStartedYearintegerThe year when the construction of the building started.
estimatedCompletionYearstringThe estimated year of completion of the building.
firstOccupancyYearintegerThe year when the project is first occupied.
salesStartedYearstringThe year when sales for the project started.


To view how lisitng details can be viewed in our portal visit this page.

5. Project Prices

FieldData TypeDescription
startPricestringThe starting price of all the floorplans.
endPricestringThe ending price of all the floorplans.
averagePricePerSqFeetintegerThe average price per square foot.
endPricePerSqFeetintegerThe end price per square foot.
startPricePerSqFeetintegerThe starting price per square foot.
contactForPricingbooleanIndicates whether there is startPrice and endPrice for the whole project. If there’s no startPrice and endPrice for the whole project, then the default is true.

6. Features

FieldData TypeDescription
typearray of stringsThe type of building.
summarystringThe summary of the building.
photosarray of objectsAn array of objects containing information about the photos of the building.
photos.createdAtstringThe creation date of the photo.
photos.namestringThe name of the photo.
photos.tagsarray of stringsAn array of strings containing tags associated with the photo.
photos.typestringThe type of the photo.
photos.urlstringThe url of the photo.
videosarrayAn array of videos of the building.
logoobjectAn object that contains information about the logo of the building.
logo.namestringThe name of the logo.
logo.urlstringThe URL of the logo.
coverPhotoobjectAn object containing information about the cover photo of the building.
coverPhoto.namestringThe name of the cover photo file.
coverPhoto.urlstringThe URL of the cover photo file.
finishesstringInformation about the finishes used in the building.
maxBathsnumberThe maximum number of bathrooms in the building.
minBathsintegerThe minimum number of bathrooms in the building.
maxBedsnumberThe maximum number of bedrooms in the building.
minBedsintegerThe minimum number of bedrooms in the building.
maxSizeintegerThe maximum size of the property in square feet.
minSizeintegerThe minimum size of the property in square feet.
ceilingHeightsstringThe ceiling height of the building.
amenitiesarray of stringsAn array of amenities available in the building.
virtualShowingstringThe URL or platform used for virtual building showings.

a. Parking

FieldData TypeDescription
hasParkingbooleanWhether the building has parking.
parkingRestrictionstringThe parking restrictions on the building.
parkingCostintegerThe parking cost of the building.
parkingCostIncludedbooleanIndicates whether parking cost is included in the pricing of the building.
parkingMaintainanceintegerThe cost of parking maintenance.
parkingMaintainanceIncludedbooleanIndicates whether parking maintenance is included in the pricing of the building

b. Locker

FieldData TypeDescription
hasLockerbooleanIndicates whether the building has a locker.
lockerMaintainanceintegerThe locker maintenance fee for the building.
lockerMaintainanceIncludedbooleanIndicates whether locker maintenance is included in the price.

c. Assignment

FieldData TypeDescription
assignmentFeeFreebooleanIndicates whether there is an assignment fee.
assignmentFeeintegerThe assignment fee for the building.

d. Metering

FieldData TypeDescription
meteringstringThe metering information of the building.
meteringIncludedbooleanIndicates whether metering is included in the building.

e. Incentives

FieldData TypeDescription
incentivesarrayAn array of incentives offered with the building.
numberOfIncentivesintegerThe number of incentives offered with the building.

f. Storage

FieldData TypeDescription
storageRestrictionstringThe storage restriction of the building.
storageCostintegerThe cost of storage, if applicable.
storageCostIncludedbooleanIndicates whether storage cost is included in the pricing of the building.

g. Development Levies

FieldData TypeDescription
developmentLeviesstringThe development levies associated with the building.
developmentLeviesIncludedbooleanIndicates whether development levies are included in the building price.

h. Maintenance

FieldData TypeDescription
ccOrMaintFeenumberThe CC or maintenance fee for the building.
ccOrMaintFeeIncludedbooleanWhether the CC or maintenance fee is included in the price.

7. Floorplans

We offer two types of floorplans: “plan” and “unit”.

  1. A “plan” refers to a range of units in the building that share the same floorplan. The listed price will indicate “starting from” as there may be variations in the price based on the specific unit.
  2. A “unit” refers to a specific, individual unit in the building. The listed price for a “unit” is the exact price for that particular unit.


The response field planCategory will tell you if its a plan or unit.

FieldData TypeDescription
numberOfFloorPlansintegerThe number of available floor plans for the building.
numberOfUnitsintegerThe number of available units for the building.
floorPlansarray of objectsAn array of objects representing the floor plans.
floorPlans.exposurearrayAn array of the exposures of the floor plans.
floorPlans.floorPlanTypearray of stringsThe type of floor plan.
floorPlans.imageobjectAn object representing the image of the floor plan.
floorPlans.image.namestringThe name of the image of the floor plan.
floorPlans.image.urlstringThe URL of the image of the floor plan.
floorPlans.numberOfBathroomsintegerThe number of bathrooms in the floor plan.
floorPlans.numberOfBedroomsintegerThe number of bedrooms in the floor plan.
floorPlans.planCategorystringThe category of the floor plan.
floorPlans.squareFeetstringThe square footage of the floor plan.
floorPlans.statusstringThe status of the floor plan.
floorPlans.startPricestringThe starting price of the floor plan.
floorPlans.contactForPricingbooleanIndicates if pricing information of the floor plans is available

8. Payment Structures

FieldData TypeDescription
paymentStructuresarray of objectsAn array of objects containing information about the payment structures for the building.
paymentStructures.milestonesarray of objectsAn array of objects representing the milestones associated with the payment structures.
paymentStructures.milestones.amountintegerThe amount of the milestone associated with the payment structure.
paymentStructures.milestones.prefixstringThe prefix associated with the milestone.
paymentStructures.milestones.suffixstringThe suffix associated with the milestone.
paymentStructures.milestones.textstringThe text is associated with the milestone.
paymentStructures.milestones.typestringThe type of milestones.
paymentStructures.totalDepositintegerThe total deposit required for a building.
paymentStructures.typestringThe type of payment structure.

9. Other Details

FieldData TypeDescription
moveInReadybooleanIndicates whether the property is ready for occupation.
isFeaturedbooleanIndicated whether the property is featured or highlighted.
totalintegerThe total number of objects.
pageintegerThe current page number of the given result.
pagesintegerThe total number of pages.
perPageintegerThe number of results to fetch per page.
messagestringA message associated with the response.