
Integer, Optional, Default: 0

Specify the page to retrieve. You must use this setting if you wish to retrieve specific pages.


  • Page-numbering is based on the value of perPage. If perPage=20, then page=0 will display the first 20 results, and page=2 will display the hits from 41 to 60.
  • Page numbers are zero-based. Therefore, to retrieve the tenth page, you need to set page=9.
  • You can see the number of available pages in the value of pages in the JSON response to the search query.
  • If you send a request for a page that doesn’t exist or is out of range when the page is greater than or equal to pages, Buildify doesn’t respond with an error. Instead, the response will display ‘0’.


Integer, Optional, Default: 20

Sets the number of results per page.

1000 is the maximum number of results you can have per page.

Sample Paginated Query

  "search": "Residences",
	"page" : 2,
	"perPage" : 2